Wednesday, September 16, 2009

its been quite some time i last remb i sprained my leg seriously. and today i apparently sprained it badly.
well i was going down the stairs, and while trying to avoid some ppl coming up and i missed a step and slipped, and my right leg landed in an awkward position.
following that i hear a "crack" sound popping from right leg. and after that i felt numbness in my leg. and at that moment i knew it. i have sprained my ankle.
yup and i was right. after taking out my boots. my ankle was already swollen and now it has swollen till quite big and having pains while i walk. oh wells. i guess its gonna take some time for it to heal.
and now it feels weird. as my ankle easily feels tight and like it can easily have the "cracking" sound.
hope nothing serious is happening

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