Saturday, July 19, 2008

another update for another week...

this week went quite smoothly till yesterday when lots of things turned sour and was not that good. when we were punished by our platoon sgt to do a changing parade from full battle order to PT kit back to FBO again. and the total time we change around was like 5 times. was really sick and tired of doing it but i got no choice but to do it. well enough of unhappy moments
was tiring this week too as did lots of running. like speed training and endurance runs.
but im happy with my own results for this week

firstly for speed training manage to clock below 5min 30sec for 1.2km for both 2 times.
next for endurance run, manage to clock around 16min+ and 24min+ for 3km and 4.5km respectivly. so was quite happy i manage to reach all the stipulated timings given.

next somehow or another i surprised myself by doing 2 chin-up/pull-up on my own wifout any assistance. weird on how i manage to do that. but still happy i manage to break my own barrier =]

hope i will be able to continue to improve more =]

oh and today was was to have a bday celebration in army. a one in a lifetime experience. and sgt bernard was fun to be playing pranks wif us and saboing me as it was my bday today. haha

well happy bday to me. haha =]

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