Saturday, March 29, 2008

bored bored

ahhh. bored bored bored. so bored at home. waiting for emails replies on certain tings but it dont seem to come. ahhh

nth to do at home. someone pls ask me out to kill my boredom =(

save me~~

well. that aside. ppl said i have a mature thinking. well do i?? thinking back on certain things i do i find thm childish. and when i think back i do not understand the reason i did it. weird...
so this leaves me a question for myself. have i really matured?? or am i still the same ol KHL??? hmmm. interesting question

all in all i still have some things in my mind and cant seem to get it out. another weird and interesting thing. haha
now that i know of certain things too. gotta keep a watchout of it in future. O.O*stares*

p.s. gotta stay away from KFC for the time being. giving my stomache some problems. lolx

-Damn why dont i think before i act. whn i notice its too late. crap-

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